zondag, edible walk op de boerderij

zondag, edible walk op de boerderij

Zondag is het weer opendeurdag bij de bioboer. En vaderdag. Kom met je vader, met je kinderen, of ontmoet er de ideale vader! Koen geeft er rondleidingen in de boerderij, en met mij kan je op zoek gaan naar wilde eetbare kruiden. Het onkruid dus. En we gaan ervan smullen! Ik geef wat uitleg over […]

giving change a little help

Yesterday was the last day of the oneness project, a part of the wijheizijweihij project from the vredeseilanden, curated by Edith Doove. We ended the collaboration in beauty with a nice ‘opendeurdag’ at the farm bioboer Busschots. All elements of change were there, we started the day with pouring rain, and it seemed it wouldn’t […]

puur cover

Wow, Apart from getting an article in Puur, we were on the cover! So check it out, you can find it now in organic shops! I’m trying to get a pdf so i can post the article here. Thanks to Carla Rosseels for writing the article and to Frank Toussaint for taking great pictures!

oneness in puur magazine

yesterday I cooked a pink rice with edible flowers salad and fresh peas, hmmmm it was delicious. Interview by Carla Rosseels. Full article about “oneness” project in Juli in Puur Magazine. Recipe included. about “oneness” : https://nathaliehunter.wordpress.com/oneness/