vernissage wijheizij: Berlinde De Bruyckere

Saturday Berlinde De Bruyckere unveiled her sculpture in Ourobouros, Zwalm, B. Birds from the neighbourhood will eat their hearts and eyes out this winter as it is edible 🙂

giving change a little help

Yesterday was the last day of the oneness project, a part of the wijheizijweihij project from the vredeseilanden, curated by Edith Doove. We ended the collaboration in beauty with a nice ‘opendeurdag’ at the farm bioboer Busschots. All elements of change were there, we started the day with pouring rain, and it seemed it wouldn’t […]

finissage oneness

We finish the oneness exhibit in beauty with a bio bal populaire, something like an organic popular party. I’ll be cooking with flowers and colors, you can taste that from 1 pm onwards, Koen will give some tours in the farm. There will also be an oldtimer tractor show, lots of things to taste and […]

jewel edition

As part of the oneness project I also created a series of jewels. The three jewels stand for values according to organic farming. biodiversity, pollination, controlling plagues naturally by keeping an equilibium. By wearing them you are helping the farmers in the south as a part of the benefit will go to de vredeseilanden. The […]

puur cover

Wow, Apart from getting an article in Puur, we were on the cover! So check it out, you can find it now in organic shops! I’m trying to get a pdf so i can post the article here. Thanks to Carla Rosseels for writing the article and to Frank Toussaint for taking great pictures!